European patent

In 2019, Elmar Buder and Prof. Dr. Martin Heinisch, Managing Directors of B+H Solutions GmbH, were granted a patent from the European Patent Office for their solution concept for sustainable plant cultivation (patent EP 3205637).
After researching and developing this technology for 10 years with the aim of exploiting the full potential of plants, they identified a big problem in agriculture: the undersupply of trace elements. This was the reason to come up with a way that provides the plants with optimally assimilable trace elements. Their idea: aqueous fertilizers containing metal nanoparticles.
During the years perfecting this technology, they have discovered how well it works for the plants. Production yields are optimal and quality of fruits are the best when plants have these compounds available. Experiences even show that these well-nourished plants no longer need plant protection products. This is why these inventors refer to this technology as the way to go in sustainable agriculture.
Plants and agricultural goods in perfect conditions as well as presence of less residues in the harvest are not the only advantages with the use of this concept. The savings in the use of fertilizing materials are good for the farmers -economically speaking- and for the environment, as the nature of these products allow the use of significantly less material in comparison to conventional trace elements fertilizers.
The products developed by B+H Solutions GmbH are based on this patented idea and we are glad to help you achieve your goals with our solutions.
For more information about the European Patent, click here